o zi / 222 mile / 5 ore 28 de minute
On this July day, join me in a run up the hill to 4000' and a visit to the Kentucky Mine and Museum. While there, we'll have lunch, then walk and stretch a bit, taking in the sites.
Lunch will be a brown bag affair at picnic tables on the Kentucky Mine grounds. Bring something yummy from home, or grab a bite along the way.
Our route will begin in Roseville, head past Camp Far West, then jog over to Wheatland. We'll bank to the west and around Beale AFB, up the lovely Smartsville Road, over to Browns Valley, and then break again in Oregon House. After passing Bullards Bar, we'll make a run up 49 to Sierra City and the mine. The return trip will be back down 49 until Nevada City where we'll divert over to the always enjoyable Dog Bar Road...Ending at our classic Ice Cream Spot in Auburn -- Samantha's.
For the safety of the group, I ride sober and request that others do the same during the organized ride.
Zi 1
8:45 - 36.8 mile / o oră - 9:49
10:04 - 47.1 mile / 59 de minute - 11:07
11:27 - 52.6 mile / o oră 13 minute - 12:41
13:41 - 41.7 mile / o oră - 14:42
15:02 - 44.0 mile / o oră 13 minute - 16:18