6 zile / 2404 mile / 40 de ore 58 de minute
According to the website "Atlas Obscura is for people who still believe in DISCOVERY."
Attractions in this trip are entirely from the Atlas Obscura.
Atlas ObscuraVezi mai multe călătorii
Zi 1
Zi 2
Grand Canyon Caverns Underground Suite
The largest, oldest, deepest, darkest, quietest motel room in the world
9:00 am - 162.9 mile / 2 ore 37 de minute - 10:38 am
National Atomic Testing Museum
Stepping away from the glitz of mobsters and casinos to learn about the other history of Vegas
11:38 am - 105.9 mile / 2 ore 6 minute - 1:45 pm
A picture-perfect town, perfect for blowing up
2:45 pm - 44.3 mile / o oră 30 de minute - 4:16 pm
Potential high level nuclear waste storage site for the next 10,000 years and beyond
5:16 pm - 317.5 mile / 5 ore 38 de minute - 10:55 pm
Zi 3
Zi 4
Zi 5
Zi 6