FHD20: 3rd Annual Monkey Butt 500
o zi / 516 mile / 11 ore 4 minute
Celebrating the long days of the year with a 500 mile ride.
Meet at the Folsom Dealership at 6:00 AM. We will ride to breakfast in Yuba City. Lunch in Fort Bragg.
This ride is open to Chapter Members and Guests. Due to the length of the ride, the ride rating is 3C. Even though there are several stretches of highway on this route, to enjoy the ride you MUST love riding twisty roads and be comfortable rocking your bike from side to side as you caress the turns.
Zi 1
6:10 - 62.6 mile / o oră 2 minute - 7:13
7:33 - 32.4 mile / 42 de minute - 8:16
8:26 - 82.9 mile / o oră 36 de minute - 10:03
10:23 - 42.6 mile / 44 de minute - 11:08
11:18 - 44.9 mile / o oră 10 minute - 12:29
13:29 - 0.9 mile / 3 minute - 13:33
13:43 - 57.8 mile / o oră 16 minute - 15:00
15:10 - 50.3 mile / o oră un minut - 16:12
16:32 - 83.6 mile / 2 ore 27 de minute - 19:04
19:14 - 58.2 mile / o oră - 20:15