New Zealand Roadtrip

15 zile / 5008 Km / 84 de ore 8 minute

New Zealand Honeymoon Road Trip 2017

Total Cost: $8641.60 ($576.10/day)
Flights $3924.24
Cost Excluding Flights $4717.26 ($314.48/day)

Flight into Auckland with a half day layover to explore the city before carrying on to Christchurch. Rented a car and drove down to Dunedin for church on Sunday. Carried on south through the Caitlins towards Fjordland visiting tourist site and small hikes along the way. Overnight cruise in Doubtful Sound before starting north to Queenstown. Hiked Sealy Tarns by Mount Cook and Roys Peak before carrying on north up the west coast. Crossed the Cook Strait to the North Island. Hiked across the Tongaririo Crossing, visited Hobbition and a Hot Water Beach. Finished trip with an afternoon in Auckland before boarding the flight home.

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