9:00 - 9.7 mile / 19 minute - 9:19
A vast river delta system formed around the confluence of the Pack River, the Pack River Wildlife Area provides people with numerous opportunities for viewing wildlife, songbirds, and waterfowl. Primitive access is available to launch canoes and kayaks to explore hundreds of acres of wetlands and delta. Wintering eagles frequently may be seen from automobiles as you drive the byway, as this is the beginning of their wintering territory.
11:19 - 3.4 mile / 6 minute - 11:26
Eagles are frequent winter visitors along this shoreline and ospreys fish these waters spring, summer, and fall. But these wildlife creatures are not the only visitors. For those who want to take advantage of the great open water access for boating, swimming, or enjoying a picnic, Trestle Creek Recreation Area is a great stop. The day use area maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and is complete with boat launch, restrooms, picnic tables, and swimming beach. Privately operated RV parks are adjacent neighbors for extended visits.
12:11 - 4.0 mile / 7 minute - 12:19
Denton Slough Waterfowl Area is an elongated shallow slough, forming a bay near the Clark Fork River. This area is a favorite for migrating waterfowl, and is visited each fall by Tundra Swans and each spring by a nesting colony of Western Grebes. This inlet provides habitat to waterfowl, songbirds, and spiny ray fish.
12:49 - 13.4 mile / 26 de minute - 13:15
This spot where Clark Fork Recreation Area now lies was acquired by the Avista Corp. as a component of their dam relicensing to provide river access for those who want to float the peaceful Clark Fork River. Adjacent primitive camping sites are along the river's edge in large cedar trees.
15:15 - 1.2 mile / 2 minute - 15:18